joi, 28 mai 2009

Infinite Compassion

Bine v-am gasit!

Am scris poeziile acestea in august trecut, despre Sahaja Yoga, Aikido si privirea unui maestru autentic - s-a intamplat sa observ aceeasi privire, identica aproape, la 3 maestri diferiti, iar poeziile sunt despre ce este unic la acesti maestri.

Infinite Compassion
Tanka form (5-7-5 7-7)

When the Universe
fails to grasp its mystery
of purpose and bliss,
Then She awakens: a breeze
of infinite compassion.

Lost in pure delight,
in our Innocence Divine;
holding hands, in love,
with all our brothers, when we touch
the infinite compassion.

Eternal ripple,
Breathing us forth, enlightened,
back to mastery,
We hold it deep inside – love
and infinite compassion.

In fotografii:
1. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi, fondatoarea Sahaja Yoga
2. Maestrul Lao Tse
3. Morihei Ueshiba, fondatorul Aikido

Varianta initiala, mai lunga:
Infinite Compassion

To the One Master of All That Exists

When words stand still, not able to guide one further on the way,
When the Universe fails to understand the complete, residual mystery…
When friendship remains puzzled and toolless,
and babies do not recognize their toys of joy anymore…

Then the eternal ripple reawakens,
Sprinkling us, dancing us forth, – us, all-pervading bubbles of Its complete existence,
Bringing us, once lost drops, into remembrance
back to the ocean of our true, glorious mastery.

Hearts start with recognition, drenched in this one tremendous love,
Contemplating our own fluid beauty, enhanced by grace,
in the mirror of our Self.

Delighting in our own innocence divine,
Holding hands, in love, with all our brothers and sisters,
Feeling, hearing, gazing at, breathing it deep inside,

when we touch… the infinite compassion.


After Guru Puja

Un comentariu:

  1. Un blog fain! Nu credeam ca atata poezie si stare de spirit se poate regasi si aici, in acest spatiu al blogosferei...
    Sincere Felicitari!
